Can I view the transactions online ?

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Zoe Nguyen

Junior Member
Sep 26, 2010

I have just started using Amex, and registered to use Amex online yesterday, I was automatically enrolled in Membership reward website (ascent program).

With normal banking system, I can view my transactions almost within 24hrs (especially Etpos) - reducing my available amount instantly - there are no details - only showing the amount. After 1-2 business days, the transactions details will be shown.

With Amex online system, can I view the transactions daily or just monthly statement ? I guess will be daily. How long does it take them to update the transactions ? And how long does it take to show in my reward page ?

I have used the card 3 times today, but none of them have been shown in my latest transactions. Is this normal ?


I have just started using Amex, and registered to use Amex online yesterday, I was automatically enrolled in Membership reward website (ascent program).

With normal banking system, I can view my transactions almost within 24hrs (especially Etpos) - reducing my available amount instantly - there are no details - only showing the amount. After 1-2 business days, the transactions details will be shown.

With Amex online system, can I view the transactions daily or just monthly statement ? I guess will be daily. How long does it take them to update the transactions ? And how long does it take to show in my reward page ?

I have used the card 3 times today, but none of them have been shown in my latest transactions. Is this normal ?

You will usually see domestic transactions the next day (except on Sundays); foreign transactions take a little longer. You will usually see the reward pts the day after the transaction posts.
You will usually see domestic transactions the next day (except on Sundays); foreign transactions take a little longer.
For me it depends on the time of day and/or the merchant.

Some merchants are worse than others. Car companies can be slow and airlines such as a Qantas and Virgin can be extremely slow.

When that happens it is not easy to keep track actual spend vs available credit limit....
On the flip side, paying off the amex with direct debit, my experience is that the amount becomes available on the day the statement is due (sometimes even the day before) which is a great help if you're like me and put everything on the amex and seem to reach the limit most months. My citibank card though is the opposite. It takes a couple of business days after the statement's due date for the amount to become available, but at least they have a more generous limit.
I think the transactions shown up in the 24 hrs block.

1 transaction at 7-eleven which I paid at around 8am yesterday shown up this morning - as well as reducing credit limit, the other 2 paid during afternoon time (BP) and evening time (restaurant) haven't shown up yet. :mrgreen:
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