BNE-CAN-SHA - A Cheap Dash with CZ - but will it be Nasty?

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Active Member
Mar 17, 2013
I had a quick long weekend dash to China a few weeks ago with CZ, and here is how it went.

After years of flying to Asia with EK with status, and being well looked after - I took the plunge to go back and fly CZ because of price, 46kg baggage allowance, and trying to cut it down to as short as I could.

The primary reason of my flight was to carry up 46kg worth of goods, and then fly back with 46kg of product in my return flights, as it was $800 for a flight or TNT it for $1,200 - so hey, what forum are we on, and what more reason to fly do we need.

Having flown the same route with CZ 3 times prior many moons ago, my mind was fresh with those times and why I still value my status with EK and what EK offer and why I often choose to pay extra to fly to SIN with EK.

So here we go with the flight - judge if you want - we all have our individual vices and methods of handling the pain - and I hope I might open up some ideas if someone finds themselves flying LCC or a cheap and might be nasty airline......


While I have flown CZ a few times over the past few years, this is my first for a while ex BNE (Australia) and tend to be domestic when I do fly them. Also have done a number of non status flights with queuing up with the plebs.

No less, on Check it at BNE, it was my first time is moons that I have left BNE on anything but an EK booked flight, so no status, no premium lines, and the pain kicked in. Oh why do I have to que and not just go and get checked in.......

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But before too long I was checked in, and was still alive.

So time to head off to get my foot long from Subway, only to find they have moved it from on the Check in Level at BNE international to be after immigration and Airside.

So down to do immigration and security, flashing my APEC Card and going through as quickly as I normally do on any normal flight and started to feel normal again.

So went off and sorted out my Footlong to eat during the flight:

Since I had an hour to kill, I went to get an early Lunch from Burger Urge - nice Lamb Job, and filled the bill well.

While waiting for my burger to be made - and after asking at Burger Urge if they had ice, to which they said no - try Boost Juice - I went next door to Boost Juice to ask for Ice. Now CZ don't serve any ice on their flights - yet to see any anyway - and there was no way my plan was going to work without ice. I had come prepared with a 2 litre ice cream container and was going to go hard to try to get this plan to work - and wasn't game enough to try to get 2 litre container full of ice through security. So at Boost lined up to ask to buy Ice, to which the people in front had a $30 Qantas voucher they were using as a substitute for the QF lounge being closed for renovations, and were told they had to use the full $30 there and then, and they said well serve this next guy and let him use the difference. After small chat, I said I had an unusual request, that is can I have my container filled full of Ice. After about 5 seconds of thinking, said I cannot see why not - took container off and came back with it almost full of ice - wasn't going to push to get the missing part filled, but maybe next time.


So back to eat my burger, filled a hole nicely - and then off back to JR Duty Free - feeling quite happy with myself as it was down hill from here to have my little party and medication sorted.

So at JR Duty Free, got 2 x 200ml bottles of Spirits for $10 each:

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Then the last required ingredient for this party - coke - so off to get 6 x 600ml bottles of coke from the newsagent:
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And as I wasn't going to ask for water every five seconds - I went off to fill my 2 x 750ml pump bottles to have water to hydrate as well - and seek out water each time liquids were offered on the flight.
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Last - and not to be forgotten - Dirty Dozen Donuts:
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By that time - the flight was boarding, and simply walked down to the gate to que without sitting down, and walk onto the flight.

J looked like it was rather empty, but had 6 PAX or so, and not a single PAX in Y+. So off to my seat, a Window K seat, 3rd row down in Y, and found I had a companion to sit next to me in the 2 + 4 + 2 configuration of the A330. Normal chit chat, was her first time on CZ, had booked it 2-3 days before, return flight to Paris, and was only option to keep transit times down and get there the fastest, but still had 6 hours in CAN transit, had paid a premium, and wasn't overly happy at the service she had - needless to say my dealings with her was short lived, as no PAX were in any of the front rows - 10 minutes after take off the seat belt sign was off and she was off to the front row seat to be by her self - so party central was set.

Push back was on time, a little surprise as the incoming aircraft was delayed 45 minutes - but to be expected.

While I was quite set to not have anything on the flight, I was signed up to the fact of getting the food to do this trip report - and I was surprised at how eatable it was - but I wouldn't suggest to anyone to bank on that always being the case with any CZ flight still. While I didn't eat my foot long until I arrived in SHA and was at the baggage belt waiting for my bags, had 4 donuts left that I had as a snack before I hit the hay, and ditched 1 x 600ml coke in CAN going through security to get domestic flight - I would totally do that all again without any differences.

Being rather happy due to self prescribed mediation, made the flight enjoyable, quick, and more than survivable.

So anyway, back to food - had two meals, a lunch just after take off:


And had a dinner prior to landing:


I ate both meals, and found it to be passable, but not quite to everyones taste.

The flight in general was fine - IFE was better and modern, but after EK, the offerings were limited and nothing on IFE interested me, and had movies on my Ipad to watch, which I had assumed I would be watching anyway. So good to see improved IFE, I would have been disappointed with offerings.

2 hours into the flight, I smelt that lovely smell of cigarette smoke with soon after cabin crew running down the back to the lav's - having been use to flying from China and lighters being taken off everyone by security, it is not something I have experienced on a flight .... since my last CZ BNE-CAN flight, maybe it was the medication, but after a while I clicked, we departed BNE where they don't take lighters off PAX at security - and to a Chinese person is every invitation to light up and smoke. Needless to say, we had another 2 making 3 incidents in total of smoking on the 8 hour flight. I just have to laugh these days when they do such, not that the risk they are putting me in not escaping me, maybe I am immune to Chinese and smoking from spending so long in China the past years, but it just feels like a childish game of cat and mouse that PAX will just light up if they have the tools to and feel like it.

Anyway, 4 hours into the flight, the mediation had all gone, Ice also, and was feeling rather happy and comfortable - so got a couple of hours of sleep to be awake for the last two hours.

I felt I won, had flown for Cheap, filled in the gaps of the cheap flight myself with LAGS restrictions and what I could Macgyver up airside.

AND - we landed on time, and as we were coming to a crawl at the end of the runway, my mind went to start gambling with myself over if we were going to get an Air bridge or not. I am yet to de plane in CAN using an Air Bridge, it is a novelty that evades me. So when we pulled up to an Air Bridge on arrival, it was difficult for one to hold me down to my joy over the idea we were using an Air Bridge - but I was equally confused as we were at a Domestic Gate, and the opposite side of the airport to the International Terminal - needless to say my happiness was short lived as we walked off the plane, we were ushered to the workers stair case to the side - confusing many as to why we were using such pre-historic stairs that would eat high heal wearing persons alive - and what do you mean I need to carry my wheelie bag down these step steps - at the bottom was the bus I was so use to, to get on and take a 10-20 minute bus trip to the international terminal.

Bonus that I know I have this bus ride, and to allow 2 hours between any flight in CAN for transit as a minimum - as this combined with the 10-20 minutes to go from International to Domestic and vise versa + baggage & immigration.
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So, off bus and into Immigration. APEC card in hand - down the immigration que - to have only a person in a wheel chair in front and looking to the side seeing the 100's of people in the standard que - needless to say was through quick smart and down at the baggage carousel. After checking the news, few wechat messages etc, hour went and everyone else from my flight had been and gone. Asked baggage staff and 10 minutes later came back to tell me my bags had already gone on to my domestic flight - but that the weather in Shanghai is cough, so expect delays on my domestic flight.

So off I went, walking through customs with my carry on only and off to transfer to domestic.
CZ3547 - A321 - CAN-PVG

On my way through Security, I looked for my gate number and saw my flight was delayed an hour - and from prior warning of Shanghai weather issues, was great - because my last CZ flight was the same situation and that was a 7 hour plus delay. So resigned to the fact I might be looking at a 2-4 hour delay, wandered over to near the gate and got set up to check my emails on my laptop and charge a few devices while I have the option to.

Needless I was blown away when at 20 minutes prior to 1 hour delayed departure time, we were called to board our buses to remote board our flight. Now this was a new one for me, as it was the first time in CAN I had remote boarded a flight - but having done so countless times in Hong Kong & Dubai, it didn't feel like a novelty.

And then boarding.


Needless to say it was a non eventful flight, delayed 2 hours for the 90 minute flight it is, but as it is scheduled to be 2.5 hours was only an hour late on arrival.

No SHA ending after 10pm trip report would be complete without pointing out what to expect upon arrival - that is no other option to leave the airport other than a taxi - and with all the delayed flights arriving also who have no other option than a taxi - you have a big que for a taxi, and is a 30-60 minute wait. I had a 45 minute wait in the que for the taxi - but have been here before, knew what I was getting in for, and very happy I had my foot long eaten awaiting for my bags, as I could feel that digesting each shuffle in the que I went.


To the hotel, which was only 10 minutes by taxi away - shower, and to bed a little after midnight.
CZ3538 - B787 - the Return Journey:

So in booking the flight, it was debating what domestic flight to choose - as being stuck in CAN for 24 hours was the last thing I wanted. So was aiming for 4 + hours transit time between to plan for the normal 2-3 hour delays in flights. CZ3538 fitted this with 4:05 scheduled transit time, and was a B787, however internally I was tossing up if I should go for an even earlier one to be even safer - considering that I would have a 12:00 noon hotel check out, so what was I going to do anyway between noon and 2:45pm scheduled time of CZ3538 - given my hotel was a 10 minute drive away from the Airport and only really had to be there 90 minutes prior to check in, and pointless to be too early as most likely will be delayed anyway right......

Getting the option to fly on a B787 was too much to turn down and won over.

Arrived at check in - nothing seemed out of place during check in and asked for type of seats - would like Window - K seats please. Told none on CZ3538 to CAN, but allocated them for my CAN-BNE flight.

Off and through security, the ques were big, and took ages, but hey, I wasn't worrying because we are going to have a delay right - like as if we are going to be on time.

Got through, and saw the plane before I saw which way to go to the gate, and reading signs confirmed where I would go to get on board. By this time it was 40 minutes prior to departure time and figured - best go to gate just in case, but as if we are going to be on time, so stopped to take a quick picture:


Got to the gate and they were at final call to board, this didn't seem right, but hey, presented pass, scanned and walked on, no que. To get on and find we were 90% boarded and at 30 minutes prior to departure doors where shut and getting ready for take off - only to push back on time - WOW a Chinese domestic flight departing on schedule.


During the flight I did a walk, to find there wasn't a spare seat on the flight, even in J - with the 787 only having Y or J, no Y+

Overall uneventful, short 90 minute flight - but it had me arrive early into CAN and presented me with a 5 hour transit in CAN before my evening flight to BNE.

CZ381 * A330-300 * CAN-BNE

If there was one flight that would put me over the top, it was going to be this, my overnight flight back to Brisbane, to arrive on a Monday morning at 8am to get through customs etc, jump in my car and drive into work to do a day's work as if I had just had a long weekend relaxing.

I hate flying at night, because normally I cannot sleep in planes, but time has allowed me to learn how I can relax and handle it, I was willing to give it another go, and was either do it or not fly - so try to handle I was planned to undertake. So before I was over rested, having slept for 12-14 hours the night before, getting out of bed late, I can handle 4-6 hours of rest and still function the following day.

With a 5 hour transit, I set about to have dinner at the airport - in the international terminal - and even ventured out to view the other wing of international that I have not seen before - and overall the options are lacking substantially, but choose to eat at the same place I normally do, after trying two other new places and disappointed in what they served up.

So after drinking 1.5lts of water and having my bottles full, we were of to board - and remote boarding at that. We were called to board the buses 20 minutes prior to departure, and was confident there was no way we were going to be on schedule.

Upon waking up the stairs to board, I noticed how low my seat number was, and was thinking that felt like it was in the Y+ cabin and not Y, it was the same pass I was given in SHA at check in, but I dismissed it as nothing, as if I was going to be operationally upgraded, especially at check in at SHA. However upon getting on, and walking down, and double, tipple, and quadruple checking, I was standing at my seat, a Y+ seat. I was having a little internal dance of joy - as if there was one leg I wanted upgraded, it was this one. So my curiosity moved to claiming my plot for the flight and setting out to make it my own.


And in time, we were all on, locked in, and ready to roll - only to be told that we had a delay due to traffic and had to wait - so unclick went all the seat belts and 30 minutes of just chilling waiting for take off. Before we know it, we were told to get ready for push back and we were away - just an hour delay, but this is China after all and to be expected.


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So soon after take off, we were service a late dinner, which was actually quite yummy:

then lights went out before you knew it - though it was about 2 hours into the flight, and I was more than ready to nood off for sleep. The Y+ seat was surprisingly comfortable and made for a 300% better sleep than a Y seat was going to offer me, and upon 3 hours or so of sleep, lights were on and ready to serve breakfast prior to landing, but I stayed snoozing for 30-45 minutes before service - and oh it had my thoughts of CZ go up a number of notches and really enjoyed it.

Breakfast Served:


Seat Pics:


So I got to walk around the flight and found that there wasn't a seat free, even in J, which surprised me. Second in a day and was not normal. I am use to CZ flights being full in Y, but for Y+ and J to be full was something that was new to me to see and never thought I would see it.

We arrived into Brisbane, and was a normal, non eventful pass through customs and Immigration and feeling fresh to get into a day's and week's worth of work being a Monday morning.
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In Conclusion:

Is CZ Better? Value? Safe?

I have never had an issue with CZ and safety, and find most mainland Chinese airlines to be more pedantic about safety than others as they simply don't want any incidents.

Value - CZ have some good prices on offer at time, but they also have some crazy prices as well out the other end. They lose my loyalty with some crazy prices I see at times 7-14 days out around peak times, where as I like EK who I find offer an acceptable price even prior to 7 days prior to the departure date even during peak periods. They are only value if you value it, and I wouldn't suggest anyone blindly book without looking at all other options and prices - and not to pay a premium to fly them.

Better? I am on the fence, I am not sure if my awareness & experience of CAN, SHA, & PVG airports, combined I know enough Mandarin to get myself into and out of trouble now - if these factors have reduced my stress levels in doing Chinese Flights or if Chinese Airlines have actually improved in the past 5-7 years at all? What I know is that delays have got worse - and are only set to get worse as no extra space in the sky is provided to airlines and more and more point to point flights are scheduled and flown - and is the Elephant in the room when it comes to any mainland Chinese Carrier offering a transiting flight from say Australia to Europe.

Delays on them would be more livable if they did anything to take care of PAX, but they don't - lounges if you have access have limited options and options no Australian really will value, and if you don't - you have nothing communicated to you, and is assumed you know that these delays are normal and are mentally ready to deal with it and have your plans of how to deal with arriving to your final arrival point 4 hours delayed.

What I would say to anyone, yes they will get you there eventually, but fly with them with your eyes open.
Legendary report sir!!! it answers so many questions for me - even ones i didn't know i was going to wonder about.

i think I'll stay with Sing Air or similar..............
While unrelated - hotel I stayed at the 3 nights was in the SHA flight path, which made for a very enjoyable experience every 90 seconds with a low plane flying over:




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Most airlines frown on bringing your own alcohol.

I take it that CZ didn't care/know?

Didn't ask - Didn't heavily advertise the fact of - Wasn't spoken to about it.

Have done similar with EK, taking 250mls of JD with me in a container and cans of coke from the Lounge, only to ask for ice upon boarding and accepting drinks on board as well. Came from them having a rule of only two drink limit being served at any time (or running out), and them always been too busy to come back around in time, to run my own ex Lounge stash to make the flight roll past quickly.
Had wrong picture in last post, so here is right one

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What can I say?

I think I learnt more Mushez's TR than I ever dreamt possible! Now, whether I needed to know them, is up for discussion.

But, seriously, 46kg? In Y? what the...

Kudos Mushez.
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