Best Balance Transfer Card

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Mar 20, 2009
I need to find a new card with a balance transfer promotion to enable me to transfer an outstanding $7000 account that I cannot get reimbursed for until later in the year.

I currently have the outstanding on a Macquarie Card but the zero interest promotion is about to expire and rather than simply paying the amount from my overdraft, I though finding another zero balance transfer option would save me having to pay interest.

What would be the best option? Would appreciate thoughts of others.
Citi usually has a reasonable balance transfer period, not that i've ever needed to take advantage of balance transfers. Can you not pay the amount yourself and then be reimbursed?
Westpac are doing 16months at 0% on balance transfers and 1% on purchases for 12 months
Virgin money gave very generous 0% BTs out to mrsandye and me last year.
You do have to be careful with timing of payments if you want to get the bonus points too
Fee is offset by flight credit
Try to find a card with a long period for balance transfers, Citi comes to mind, and then just transfer it to that and cut the card up to just pay it off whilst keeping your Macquarie.
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