Maybe point the security person & management to this paragraph
@albatross710 I know your message is well meaning. I also know you are technically right - BUT - (almost always) none of that matters when at Airports. There are only very limited occasions when it is possible to "argue the point" and/or try to convince an official that what they just told you is untrue, even when you have unequivocal documentation that proves your case.
The fact is those officials NEED MORE TRAINING.
Let me give some examples :
1. Vietnam (late 2024) - I entered using ABTC (electronic on iphone ) and it was seamless, took less than 1 minute, as it should be. A few days later - leaving Da Nang, Vietnam - I was very happy to bypass 200 people queue and go directly to the APEC/Flight Crew/Diplomats aisle

. But when I showed the Apec card on my iphone the response was "not accepted". He even called his manager over who repeated "not accepted". Luckily, I was able to find my physical card (no longer issued) in my brief case (expires 2025) and that they accepted. Arguing the point with them, and showing them websites would probably have been futile. Later (from my destination country) I sent an email to the right people at Da Nang airport very respectfully outlining what happened (with links), suggesting "further training".
2. I find Australian
AIRLINE officials at Airports can be the worst and most arrogant. The actual Immigration staff (passport control) in Australia are very good, highly professional, and I have never had any problem with them. But "airline check-in staff" can suffer from God-complex. And extremely rarely can they be convinced of anything, even if what they are saying is total

. EXAMPLE : This was in Jan 2025, exiting Brisbane airport for Philippines. As well as ABTC, I also have PR status (with apprpriate Visa) in Philippines. This trip is less that 30 days anyway so Australian passport holders do not even require ANY Visa. At checkin - the airline staff surprised me with "do u have a Visa for PH ? ". I opened Passport at the page of my Visa, as requested. Strangely, my passport caused all sorts of discussion behind the counter. Eventually a manager/supervisor joined the check-in staff to tell me that my Visa "is not valid and isn't accepted". This is so patently untue I had to (semi) argue the point. I said "Are you sure? I actually live there and I am very confident it is still valid. Can u please double check ? ". They were steadfast. They even brought in another "expert" an a filipina "flight manager". First they told me it had expired (it hasn't), then they told me it has been "scribbled on, also making it invalid" ( it hasn't been scibbled on - or defaced in anyway). They were mistaking the actual official signature on the Visa, by a BI official from PH, as scribble.... even though I pointed out that is just a signature. This went on and on - they were not going to budge. Finally I accepted what was going on and used different approach - my APEC card. That they did accept ! But, even though with 3 staff already at the counter, they opened a Video call with some other higher-up and showed my ABTC to whooever was on the videocall - before it was accepted. It was all bizarre. Upon landing in PH - my Visa was accepted/processed in 2 seconds. It is perfectly valid and not expired.
3. On a lighter note: I have stood behind people going through the Security Check who have Vegemite (a gift for oversaes Aussies ) confiscated from their handcarry on the basis that "it is a lquid or gel". They argue the point. Although they are probably right, and an unopened jar of V poses zero risk to flight safety... Arguing the point IS futile. Even with "website references" they will never win that one. To speed things along I have counselled them

"hey, yeah I know... its crazy.. But these guys have their policy and nothing u say will change it...". BTW - there is a hack for those who do want to carry a gift jar of Vegemite in handcarry. I often fly with only handcarry and have used this: just freeze it before going to the airport. When frozen, it is accepted as a solid.