APEC Business Travel Card

Even though I’m very happy to have my APEC card, its primary utility for me in the past - which was entering the US without queuing - has been made redundant by my getting Global Entry - I still can’t quite believe how good GE is - glance at a face recognition machine and stroll in!

I suppose next time I need a China visa the APEC will be worth its weight…
Newbie here - but found this forum to get feedback re: APEC Card processing....

Just 'renewed' my APEC card,,, well, it had actually expired in April this year, but renewed in August.

Took 10 weeks before Australia contacted me, asking for 1 more form of ID. Submitted that, and within 48 hours, the APEC Card was approved..

Got AUS, BRN, CHL, NZL, PER, PNG, SGP and THA within 6 days...
Almost another month passes, still waiting on Vietnam, the only one missing. It's now at least 5 months since the penultimate economy was added to my card, and I've found that application numbers up to 270 higher than mine have VN approved. I'll try contacting Australia ABTC people. Mine and the application number immediately before me are in the same situation, when others seem to have been approved, I wonder if that's a coincidence that two applications with consecutive numbers were not approved - or that we've literally fallen through the cracks.
10 days since Australia approved card - Korea, China and Philippines approved this week...

7 to go:

Hong Kong

Hopefully Indonesia get's approved as I'm heading over there in November,
5 to go since Australia approved,,,,

Still waiting on:

Taiwan; and

Hope I can get Indonesia shortly, as I'll be travelling there for work in the next 2 weeks,,, Fingers crossed!
Four to go for mine:

How long did Indonesia take to get approved? Ended up applying for an Indonesia E-Visa (Visa on arrival), as I'm flying there in 2 days,,,, No doubt, the approval will come thru now, after paying the Visa on Arrival fee!
How long did Indonesia take to get approved? Ended up applying for an Indonesia E-Visa (Visa on arrival), as I'm flying there in 2 days,,,, No doubt, the approval will come thru now, after paying the Visa on Arrival fee!
It's been about nine weeks since AUS approval and above six were the last of the economies to provide clearance. I would have got IDN approval three weeks back. PHL was approved yesterday.
Let us know when you get Vietnam! It's now been 8 months for me, , and applications numbers 3000 higher than mine have been approved by Vietnam. 😡 🤷‍♂️
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Let us know when you get Vietnam! It's now been 8 months for me, , and applications numbers 3000 higher than mine have been approved by Vietnam. 😡 🤷‍♂️
Sorry for the dumb question, but how can you find out if other applications have been approved for VNM?
Sorry for the dumb question, but how can you find out if other applications have been approved for VNM?
Not so difficult. In the email which indicates your application is approved there will be a link to a website to check status of your application. This website requires you enter your application number and country of application. No personal information needed or disclosed so you can just enter any application number into the website.
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Not so difficult. In the email which indicates your application is approved there will be a link to a website to check status of your application. This website requires you enter your application number and country of application. No personal information needed or disclosed so you can just enter any application number into the website.
thanks, but no link provided via email once Oz approved

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