A QF Airbus A380 inside a QF Airbus A380 trip report.

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Established Member
Apr 20, 2010
Hi Everyone, here is my first trip report for AFF , sorry its a long one!
2010 June USA Trip report.

I would like to thank everyone for their help and opinions regarding fares to book, routes to take, getting the most value for money and most importantly how to work things in my favour!

I was USA for a couple of reasons, first off was a wedding in Dallas Texas, and the second was to show off my giant QF Lego A380 at a convention in Chicago.

A huge thank you to Qantas who generously donated for my flight from MEL to LAX and return (with 3 extra Pcs of luggage – the plane), they didn’t have to support me with this flight, but they did come through and I must say hats off to them I thoroughly appreciate what they did for me.

At the start of my trip I was but a humble SG (all from domestic inside AU) and hadn’t accrued any SC’s overseas in my QF year.
So now to start the trip:

Leaving Melbourne, i was booked on QF 93 MEL/LAX on Nancy Bird Walton, which ironically is what my Lego plane is modelled and named after. With connecting flights on AA to ORD via DFW.

I checked in at the J class counters(as I’m a SG) and the very friendly and helpful girl freaked out when she saw the luggage I was carrying, needless to say the checkin process was rather difficult – I was booked under staff travel even though I wasn’t staff, and the flights on AA were not in the same booking, however the check in girl Daniela (I think that was her name) was amazingly helpful and with the help of her supervisor got me all checked in and ready to go. QF also had upgraded me to J class. Thank you QF! Seat 16K.

This was my first ever trip on an A380 and boy was I impressed!

The last time I flew J class on QF internationally was some time ago and it had changed a lot, the seat was fantastic and the service on board was excellent, the cabin services manager personally introduced himself to everyone and the crew were great. J class was about 70% full according to what I could see.

The food on board was excellent, the in flight entertainment systems was also fantastic certainly an improvement on previous systems. Got about 6 hours sleep, I must admit I was very busy enjoying the service and the features of the aircraft. The most interesting point to note for me was just how quiet the plane was, dare I say it almost unnervingly quiet?

So Arrive into LAX, plane was on time so didn’t have too many issues in customs, all 3 boxes of the Airbus were intact and looking good, no signs of any issues. Customs wanted to know what was in the boxes, and not for the first time i had a crowd of customs officers all very interested in it, not for customs reasons but just wanted to check it out! I even had to fire up the laptop to show them photos, the guys were great and they helped me get the boxes up the ramp to the transfer conveyor belt for internal USA flights.
Things i learnt from AFF: This was the first part of losing my virginity on a Status credit run, got a UPP fare to ORD via DFW & return, 420SC for $1100.
So I headed on over to the next terminal for my flight to ORD via DFW, so i had a few hours to wait and headed up to the Admirals club for my first taste of their service.

Admirals club was nice, much more spacious than QF and a heck of a lot less people in it, took this funny photo whilst waiting in it.
clearly no OHS whatsoever! – will speak about this later as I saw some bizarre things while on AA that made me think just how lucky we are with QF.

The flight to DFW from LAX was uneventful, the F seats on the MD-81 were almost identical from my memory to AN’s J class seats. The same colour and everything! The MD-81 is a comfortable enough plane, relatively quiet. Meal was average, a hamburger with a reminder of just how wrong American orange cheese is. (Is the cheese there to remind you of the state of the TSA warnings system, it’s a code Orange alert?)

Travellers tip on AA: I only travel with one piece of Carry on, if you fly AA, board as soon as you are able to, as they charge for luggage you do NOT want to be boarding last as you simply won’t have enough room!
Arrived at DFW on time without any issues, had a couple of hours to spare at DFW so walked around and took the monorail between terminals, looked at all the shops and eateries, I’ve been there a few times now and it really is an amazing airport.

took a 757 from DFW to ORD, this one was going to be an hour and half late, so waited in the Admirals club again, got a free drink coupon for being a QF SG. After the long flights I was getting a bit tired by this point, again the Admirals Club was quiet enough.

Got dinner on the flight from DFW to ORD, was some pasta, was nice enough without being spectacular. (the 757’s seats were very tired, and gosh it is a noisy plane) Having not had QF J class domestic meals I cannot compare, but got a nice ice cream sundae, the staff (old ladies were very helpful and attentive without being spectacular in any way.

Now here sadly is where it all comes to a gory and grizzly painful issue, the luggage: here is what one of my Airbus’s looked like when arriving in ORD.

Looking back i can laugh, but boy oh boy at the time was i an unhappy camper. My two cases plus the first two boxes came out just fine, the third box as you can see was a wreck. I estimate given the parts that were going around on the carrousel that i lots some 3000 pieces (a large portion of the wing).

Now they say you can tell the real quality of customer service when something goes wrong, and guess what, totally no surprises AA failed miserably. The 16 year old girl at the AA baggage services counter couldn’t give a toss, I was given a case number and a phone number to contact. I was met by some friends who took the airbus off my hands and i went to bed after a long days travel and a mind blowing disaster on my hands.

The next day I continued my AFF advised SC run flying to DFW via DFW and SLC (yes a lot of DFW!) which I scored for $371 and nailed me 180 SC.

This time of course i wasn’t travelling with the A380 in tow so I didn’t really have much to worry about, again AA’s F was ok without being outstanding, the meals again were good without setting the world on fire (breakfast was cereal, fruit salad, and an omelette type thing). Having never been to SLC before I was surprised just how small the airport was, it reminded me of Adelaide for some reason, albeit it with better views coming in to land and the surrounding mountains.

Had a 737 in these legs, and it was clearly not as good as a MD-81, noisier and not nearly as good a ride IMHO. Got into Dallas after the trip quite late 8pm to find that AA had indeed lost my luggage.

I then with the help of two much more friendly guys at AA baggage services in DFW managed to find that my bags were on their way to Tokyo as part of an AA baggage shipment. And that I should get them back in approx 2-3 days.
They issued me with a amenities kit and told me to keep receipts for whatever clothes I needed to buy for the next few days. My issue was that on the 2nd day in Dallas I had the wedding to attend and i needed my formal clothes, suit, shoes, etc. Things were not looking good!

Early the next day I bought a disposable cell phone for 20 bucks so I could make USA phone calls without paying a gazillion dollars, and it was well worth it, as when I rang AA they told me that in fact my luggage was not on its way to Japan but in fact in Salt Lake city, which made much more sense and i would get it later in the day, sure enough at 4pm my luggage arrived, yay!

The wedding was good, and had a great time for the week in Dallas, I highly recommend it to anyone, saw the JFK museum at the book depository, went on a tour in the new cowboys stadium, and caught a Texas rangers baseball game as well. The weather was stinking hot, (over 100 every day) but was totally awesome. A little aussie spotting moment, wanted to go to the movies so near the outlet mall we saw some cinemas, low and behold it was a Village gold class cinema!! Good old aussie gold class, yay! The cinema complex had just opened some 3 days before, and was entirely gold class! The funny parts were that all the signage around the cinema was of James and Tanya Hird! The locals of course wouldn’t have a clue who they were, and also apparently all of Village cinemas hierarchy was out from Australia for the cinema opening, so the staff seeing we were Australian (they obviously wouldn’t get many aussies in North Dallas.) thought we must have been part of the group and got unbelievable service!.

Leaving Dallas to head back to ORD, i did see more of a recurring theme from AA, it was the FOD/rubbish on and around the runways, there was a lot of rubbish around, things like plastic wrapping, used cups, broken pieces of plastic etc just laying around on the ground under and near the terminals and where the planes were. I was always of the opinion that having loose debris around jet engines was bad, and i was very surprised to see it all. Again another reminder why I like QF as I’ve never seen any safety issues unresolved first hand.
Got to ORD no problems in whY there was no service at all so nothing to complain about, again I don’t travel with much cabin baggage so it wasn’t an issue for me, but others, crikey what a proverbial bunfight!

End of Part 1.
Part 2.

The Lego exhibition went very well, I had to spend a few days and long nights rebuilding it, and sourcing all the missing pieces (pictures attached) but i mixed it with proverbial Lego royalty, and with just over 800 exhibitors was an amazing event, they do an academy awards style competition with the top 4 exhibits in the running for the grand prize, which i was lucky enough to be one of the four nominated! I didn’t win, but felt very honoured to have at least made it in the top 4, and it has inspired me to do better next year!


They had over 10 thousand people come through on the public days, an amazing experience, and as Qantas had sponsored me I had a box of A380 brochures which people could take, they all disappeared very quickly and I had a constant stream of people over the public days tell me they always wanted to go to Australia, I even had a few tell me they will be flying QF. So I think I did my piece for QF’s PR and repay their generosity.

Again Chicago was an awesome city, lots to see and do, and did all the touristy things, up the Willis tower, went to watch a cubs game at Wrigley field, the incredible architecture, it was a blast.

So coming home, as I had met friends and relatives at various points along the trip for the wedding and the convention etc it was time to come home. There was 3 of us to fly home, my Mum, father in-law and myself. Mum and father in law were flying direct ORD-LAX, then QF 94 LAX-MEL

While I was on the tail end of my Status run and was flying ORD-DFW-LAX-MEL. I of course had bought new super tough boxes for my Airbus, and had them thoroughly wrapped so wasn’t as worried about them getting home.

things were going really well until I checked in at ORD, I got the check in clerk from hell, from the minute she saw me coming with 2 cases and 3 big boxes she had it in for me, she started off by saying “this is going to cost you a lot of money sir” - that was her opening line! A true cracker! Not even I could come up with something as special as that. Needless to say after explaining my story, she phoned Qantas after reading the extra luggage allowance in the QF booking said she was going to charge me for the luggage from ORD to LAX.

After 40 minutes and getting a supervisor involved (Debra if you ever read this: you are an angel!) The supervisor sorted it all out and said, since I was flying F, was obviously a long way from home, and was there doing something for QF, and the fact that I told her she looked lovely today, she waived the fee and put it all through for me. All up 55 minutes to check in. – to be very clear and fair AA did not have to do this, they were under no obligation to do so given the rules of my fare and QF’s extra bag allowance.

So after that debacle the flight from ORD to DFW was delayed so we chilled out in the Admirals club and it looked like the connection in DFW was going to be very tight, but luckily the DFW to LAX was delayed as well, so I was going to be ok. The Flight to DFW (for the last time) was fine and the service was again good, another MD-81 and a choice of Steak or chicken.

As it turned out I need not have worried as the aircraft from DFW to LAX (MD-81) had gone unserviceable and we had to wait for a new aircraft, we ended up being on a 767 which had the newer AA F class seats, these seats were good but had no in seat entertainment, and seemed to me to be “cheap” in their construction. The interesting part of this flight was that as a dinner flight we got a nice meal (choice of pasta or fish) I had the pasta and was again served a nice ice cream sundae (in a round scotch type glass) the guy next to me, (very friendly guy) had some broken glass in his ice cream!!!! Yes that’s right broken glass, we were talking while eating it and there was a big crunch, it was him biting on the glass! He didn’t hurt himself or anything, but it caused quite a stir with the flight attendants, and upon landing there was a whole team of people waiting for the guy, they also took my details but i haven’t heard anything from them, the pieces of glass looked to me like one of the glasses that held the sundae in it had broken.

So i caught up with my mum and father in law in the one world lounge at LAX (man all the times I’ve been in this lounge its always full! (NRT,SYD and MEL flights), the flight was way, way overbooked in Y, my mum (a SG) was upgraded to Y+ and I was upgraded to J, my poor father in law didn’t get any upgrade, but we swapped half way through the flight so he could get a good nights sleep in J.

It was a 747 service coming home, and the seats in J were not nearly as nice as the A380, and the flight crew vanished after serving the light dinner after take off. Granted it was very late at night. I was in 24F (downstairs) until i played tag with my father in law and was in 56B (from memory)

the next real worry was of course would our luggage arrive back in Melbourne, the baggage hall after clearing customs was abuzz with us all about to have a new prime minister, my two cases came out and after what seemed an eternity my 3 cases of the airbus arrived intact and in very good shape!

Customs in Melbourne asked us to go through the red channel, and the guys in quarantine were fantastic again when they asked what was in the cases there was about 20 of them all wanting to see it and pictures of it, there was even a guy who had been following my story in the papers and was on for a good old chat. Boy it was good to be home.

So overall it was an exciting trip with a lot of firsts for me:
First Status run
First time in AA first class
First time in Admiral clubs
First time on an A380
First time outside DFW Airport
First ever upgrade.
and the biggest achievement in my FF career:
First time ever achieving QF Platinum

So to wrap it up, thank you to lots of people here on AFF, to Simon and **** at Qantas, to Debra at AA, and to all the people that helped me out, far too many people to name, but all equally great!

[FONT=&quot]My ratings are relative compared to my experiences in the same classes on other carriers.
QF A380 J Class Seating: 9/10
QF A380 J Class Service: 9/10
QF 747 J Class Seating: 7.5/10
QF 747 J Class Service: 7.5/10
AA First Class Seating: 6.5/10
AA First Class Service: 7.5/10
AA Economy Class Seating: 7/10
AA Economy class Service: 3/10

AA Baggage handling: -27363353345/10

Now back to my weekly MEL/SYD/MEL’s.

What a great TR and glad it went ok (eventually).

SYD-MEL is going to be a bit mundane now.

What are your lego plans for next year (if you can disclose!)?
What a great TR and glad it went ok (eventually).

SYD-MEL is going to be a bit mundane now.

What are your lego plans for next year (if you can disclose!)?

The plans are already underway, i'm making the love boat! from that classic 80's TV show.

It will be a cutaway, split in half like the Airbus (thats my signature theme/thing) with lots of little details from the classics, Titanic, Posideon adventure etc.

The real question is how am I going to get it to Chicago for next year.......
Great TR, loved reading it! Love lego too, but can't imagine I'd have the talent or patience for any project bigger than a little firetruck or something!!
The plans are already underway, i'm making the love boat! from that classic 80's TV show.

It will be a cutaway, split in half like the Airbus (thats my signature theme/thing) with lots of little details from the classics, Titanic, Posideon adventure etc.

Cool! :cool:

The real question is how am I going to get it to Chicago for next year.......

Fairstar the fun ship??? ;)
A great read and well done!

I'm assuming that you are Platinum now so congrats on that too!
Thanks for the TR. Great to have follow up after the newspaper articles.

As a matter of interest how did you source 3000+ pieces of Lego that were the right colour, shape, etc. for the damaged wing?

Nice to hear the QF put an upgrade your way - TWICE! Been WP for four years now and never upgraded. Oh well, guess I need to build my own A380.
Thanks for the TR. Great to have follow up after the newspaper articles.

As a matter of interest how did you source 3000+ pieces of Lego that were the right colour, shape, etc. for the damaged wing?

Nice to hear the QF put an upgrade your way - TWICE! Been WP for four years now and never upgraded. Oh well, guess I need to build my own A380.

If you built your own A380 you could fly whatever class you wanted:!: ;)
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What a fantastic story! Lego fan, status runner, AFFer, great writer and all-round good guy!

I can totally understand the customs folk wanting to see inside your boxes. Me, I would have tucked you away in a room and watched as you put it all together and made zooming noises.

But what a horrid shock to find one of your boxes broken. They'll be picking Lego out of the innards of that belt for years to come, I guess.

DFW is a place that makes me happy. The airport itself is a fantastic place to whip around in on that train, there's tonnes of shops to browse through and eat up big in, and I just love the welcome staff in their ten gallon hats and quarter mile smiles.

Lots of things to do in DFW. That baseball stadium is a feast for the eye, and don't those Americans love to do their entertainment over the top! The longhorn cattle in Fort Worth, and two gems within walking distance: the Japanese gardens and the Kimbell Art Museum. And, of course, Dealey Plaza for a pilgrimage.

Chicago I love too - I was there in April and I had a fantastic architecture-themed boat cruise along the river with a guide who knew every detail about every scyscraper and barely stopped to draw breath for the whole ninety minutes.

Now, where's the next Lego exhibition of yours?
Now, where's the next Lego exhibition of yours?

Thanks for the great feedback!

Well the next official Lego show is brickvention 15th and 16th of January next year, in good old Melbourne. Australia has 1 per year, all the others around the world are just way too hard for us aussies to take the big stuff to.

This year its in the town hall on Swanston street, and its going to be the largest Lego show every put on in Australia, of course my big issue is, with all this FF im doing, im not getting the quality time i need to be building, the love boat isnt going to build itself!
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