WSI for Western Sydney Airport

Thanks. Yes very interesting.

The airbridges - looks like they are doing one plane either side of the pier coming off the main terminal building?? So only one actual air bridge per plane? Or will the other one on the other side curve around?


Thanks. Yes very interesting.

The airbridges - looks like they are doing one plane either side of the pier coming off the main terminal building?? So only one actual air bridge per plane? Or will the other one on the other side curve around?

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OOL has almost the same design. Each gate has a L & R parking spot (eg 9L/9R) for narrowbodies and if used by a widebody there's a third central spot (9) that uses both aerobridges.
Actually, the can do 2 planes for int aerobridges, if they have the thick glass divider down the walkway.
Of course, as in the pax, we dont know for now if that is the int/dom terminals.
Even if int has dep and arr on 2 levels, the aerobridge can tilt, and one ramp comes down to th plane from dep, and the other side can tilt up to int arr.
And a gate at the end with a card reader, that is usually locked.
Pax in the int side would have been immi cleared and int sec cleared too.
Even for dom pax, it can be done, like the circulars part at SYD T3 or BNE dom.
Think it's two narrow bodies or one widebody (with front and mid loading)

Exactly as you say - from the early promo film:


although narrow bodies (domestic) are planned to get the rough end of the pineapple (they'd love to have the apron this full :) )

although narrow bodies (domestic) are planned to get the rough end of the pineapple (they'd love to have the apron this full :) )

Again, exactly as it is now in OOL. It also has the staggered stop positions like your photo.
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I wonder how many a380 compatible gates they'd build now. Would there even be many a380s going to WSI?

Potentially EK and that's it? Even for EK i feel they'd just send the 777.
I wonder how many a380 compatible gates they'd build now. Would there even be many a380s going to WSI?

Potentially EK and that's it? Even for EK i feel they'd just send the 777.
Probably zero given they’re not building A380s anymore and those flying might be retired before serious long haul flights start operating out of WSI.
I'm sure there'll have an A380 capable gate (even Darwin has one), but not one optimised for A380s (forget about triple aerobridges).

I don't think it will be uncommon for A380s to divert there every now and then.
I don't think it will be uncommon for A380s to divert there every now and then.
In the situations where we see A380 diversions due to fog at SYD (usually they go to MEL), would WSI be a suitable point? They can then just bus the passengers to SYD. Or is it likely that fog would affect both areas at once - I'm not sure if WSI still being in the coughberland Plain is affected by the same weather conditions typically?
Probably zero given they’re not building A380s anymore and those flying might be retired before serious long haul flights start operating out of WSI.
EK have said that they can still see the A380’s used well into the 2030’s and even early 2040’s so I wouldn’t be surprised if one of their daily’s ends up out there
I really hope they don't muck this up in terms of operators and schedules. It's so easy to happen. Can we expect say a Stansted type operation mostly LCC carriers with a sprinkle of long haul? Will the likes of virgin and Qantas "split"some of their domestics to run from both (same frequency but different airports out of Sydney).? Will landing fees be a fundamental influence? Will.any new start from anywhere to Sydney be offered only slots at the new airport?

Interesting and indeed I need to read more about it.
I really hope they don't muck this up in terms of operators and schedules. It's so easy to happen. Can we expect say a Stansted type operation mostly LCC carriers with a sprinkle of long haul?

This is everyone's expectation in the short term, yes. Long haul would probably only be LCC, like Jetstar or Air Asia, maybe Scoot. There's no way Emirates or SIA (mainline) are moving here anytime soon. It's simply not where the high-yield and connecting passengers are.

Will the likes of virgin and Qantas "split"some of their domestics to run from both (same frequency but different airports out of Sydney).?

It will be a slow start, the question is whether it ends up like Avalon or Gold Coast? All bets are it being more like Gold Coast simply due to the proximity to large numbers of residents who would provide domestic demand. But it won't be the same frequency of course, SYD will retain the lion's share for the next 10-15 years at least. Note that Virgin and Rex haven't even yet committed to flying at all from WSI, although if Qantas starts putting some capital city flights there, the others will probably follow. But if it's just a few Jetstars a day like Avalon, they may not feel the need to compete. It's a commercial decision for these airlines and there are many ways it could end up, outside the control of airport management.

Will landing fees be a fundamental influence? Will.any new start from anywhere to Sydney be offered only slots at the new airport?

Interesting and indeed I need to read more about it.

The two airports are under different management and I don't think slot management / control at SYD has any impact on what goes on at WSI. There's no unifying authority that would manage something like that to my understanding (at least for domestic... international slot management is another beast).
I imagine the airlines will want to offload some of the pesky (relatively) low-yielding routes/services from SYD to WSI to make way for better yielding routes on the available SYD slots. And have lower fares to WSI to 'encourage' pax to go there.

I imagine also there will be less tolerance for curfew-time landings at SYD if there is a nearby port that can accept the flight. Although if international, whether Border Force would still be there is another question.
This is everyone's expectation in the short term, yes. Long haul would probably only be LCC, like Jetstar or Air Asia, maybe Scoot. There's no way Emirates or SIA (mainline) are moving here anytime soon. It's simply not where the high-yield and connecting passengers are.

It will be a slow start, the question is whether it ends up like Avalon or Gold Coast? All bets are it being more like Gold Coast simply due to the proximity to large numbers of residents who would provide domestic demand. But it won't be the same frequency of course, SYD will retain the lion's share for the next 10-15 years at least. Note that Virgin and Rex haven't even yet committed to flying at all from WSI, although if Qantas starts putting some capital city flights there, the others will probably follow. But if it's just a few Jetstars a day like Avalon, they may not feel the need to compete. It's a commercial decision for these airlines and there are many ways it could end up, outside the control of airport management.

The two airports are under different management and I don't think slot management / control at SYD has any impact on what goes on at WSI. There's no unifying authority that would manage something like that to my understanding (at least for domestic... international slot management is another beast).
Obviously there is going to be some spruiking but we have been involved in regular meetings/strategic plans etc since day dot and they have some very big ambitions and last year they had stated that they already had several MOU’s from major airlines that were interested in either adding extra services or moving slots from SYD. I guess we will find out in due time
I picture short term it’ll be akin to Stanstead v Heathrow, but over time will morph more into a Gatwick v Heathrow similarity……

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