Survey - Research into Jealousy and Surveillance on Facebook

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Jul 9, 2021
Tertiary institution and department: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, School of Health & Biomedical Sciences.

Project researchers:
Chief Investigator:
Associate Professor Sophia Xenos (Senior Lecturer (Psychology) School of Health & Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University) [email protected]
Associate Investigator:
Dr Melissa Monfries (Senior Lecturer (Clinical Psychology) School of Health & Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University) [email protected]
Student Researcher
*: Miss Jorja Fraser (Honours student (Psychology) School of Health & Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University) [email protected]
*This research project is part of a thesis for the student researcher, as part of an Honours degree in psychology that the student is completing.

Purpose of the survey:
In recent years, researchers have begun to investigate the impacts of Facebook use on romantic relationships. In particular, jealousy and interpersonal electronic surveillance have been found to increase with Facebook use. Research has suggested that age and relationship length may moderate this relationship. This survey aims to contribute to this growing research area by investigating the relationship between Facebook use and both Facebook Jealousy and interpersonal electronic surveillance, as well as the moderating effect of age and relationship length. (Note: You do not need to currently be in a romantic relationship to participate in this study).

Confidentiality & Security:
All data collected in this survey will be anonymous and non-identifiable. All data will be securely stored on password-protected servers at RMIT University for at least 5 years, accessible only by researchers. There is a possibility that this research will be published, in which case anonymous data may be stored indefinitely in a data repository.

This research project has been approved by the RMIT Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).

Intended use of findings:
The findings of this research project will be included in a report as part of the student researcher’s Honours degree in psychology at RMIT University. This report may be published, in which instance all data will remain anonymous and non-identifiable.

Link to the survey:

This survey will take approx. 10 minutes to complete.

– thank you so much to anyone that participates!
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