SkyBus gone up again [Now $23.90 one way]

I catch it twice a week. Don’t think it has ever been 20 mins. More around 30mins. Worse if an accident or full peak hour.

The bus terminal (and southern cross itself) is an abomination. To think that is many international visitors arrival point in to Melbourne, dark, dank and smelling of diesel.

Like Melbourne Airport. Underwhelming and never an award winner.

Domestic QF is being given a revamp but it was built around the Wright Brothers era. Knowing APAM it will be done to a price and not a standard.

I used the bus from QF Terminal to Perths other station - it works nicely

Skybus is beautiful and once on-board you’re whizzed in in no time at all!

except the last time I was there the queue was so long I jumped on the Broady bus and raced Orf for the one day game at the G… took forever as you say at some very small price

I use the bus connection from T3/4 to the train to come home, or the reverse trip. So quick and easy. And free! (Senior Smart Rider)
In Melbourne I always use SkyBus. Straightforward. My Perth flights usually arrive 6-8pm, so that's the best option.
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There's nothing wrong with Skybus today (besides the price) but if we are to consider MEL growing and expanding, it's going to struggle mightily. If MEL wants to continue to grow volume of pax, skybus network will struggle. You can only increase bus frequency so much without it overloading the network.

Also even with a train line I can still see a world to operate for skybus.

MEL direct to Box Hill, Glen Waverley, Doncaster, Werribee etc and let the majority of PAX going to CBD to go train.

I'd probably take a skybus for a bit more if it went direct to a SE suburb over a train.

MEL also needs additional PT options from the Northern suburbs too. It's kind of silly that your only option is really just to drive despite being pretty close to the airport.
MEL also needs additional PT options from the Northern suburbs too. It's kind of silly that your only option is really just to drive despite being pretty close to the airport.
Ah yes, this is Australia, and in general we don't do PT (well only reluctantly at best).

So don't expect anything much in the way of improvements anytime soon. Too many vested interests,
Honestly though I have chanled my skybus habits. If I'm HLO or very lightly packed for just a couple of days, I catch the train to Broady and the 901 bus to Tulla. Yes, it takes prob 2.5x as long as skybus (I reckon 25min average for skybus vs say 50-70min on PT depending on the connection at Broady). Far cheaper of course and no real hassle. I wouldn't trust Broady late at night, but during the day it's fine.
If you are at/in the city, there's more incentive to use Skybus. (Do they still have the shuttles to hotels? That was great.)
For those of us who live further out it's a bit different. Last time I went to the airport, PTV journey planner said 1:26 from my station to the airport by including Skybus and 1:26 using normal services. Ended up arriving 3 mins before schedule going the cheap (non-Skybus) way. Sure, that's down near T4, so I had to walk for about 7 mins to T1.

Paying $29.20 rather than $5.30 (450% more) to save 4 mins (4.5% less) just isn't worth it to me.
The Free Tram Zone was in place before Skybus (a private company) ditched their hotel shuttle.

Since I am a local I did not use it, but often saw it of course. My impression was that the streets were congested(it is even worse now in MEL CBD tbh, but that is a whole other topic - thank you Mayor Capp). They had a limited pick up area iirc that was basically the CBD and possibly Crown/Southbank? Plus inly ran during main hours of the day.

No doubt cost cutfing to remove, but I genuonely reckon that the Melbourne CBD is actually pretty easy to both navigate and get around to most hotels by foot or tram. Now yes, with a few larger suitcases yes it could be difficult. Though probably easier (for a first timer or rare visitor) than say being dropped at Central in Sydney or Brisbane, or in Adelaide where the bus used to go (iirc Franklin St?). Adelaide at least is much like Melbourne CBD as in a big rectangle of sorts.

My point being that the hotel shuttle service connection to/,from Southern Cross was probably a PITA in some respects with the time taken to go just a few blocks perhaps, deal with bags etc.

It is a loss of convenience for sure - specially for international and new vusitors - though many may just be tempted to get an uber or cab anyway.

Really none of our main cities have truly convenient/simple airport-hotel services these days. In SYD/BNE/PER it's the train. Skybus tried and failed in BNE. ADL used to have one but I think it died I think(and iirc never had hotel drop off/pick up). I've nore recently used the public bus which is a straight shot from the city and stops at the airport. I think HBA has a skybus still? CNS seems an ever changing landscape of operators (last time I used I booked with one, who put me in another which charged more walk up.. so I saved weirdly but it was a bit confused) and OOL had its skybus die a few years back (but the PT servuce via the 777/760 busses are vastly improved with very good timings even into the evening and easy connection to the tram - it works and is cheap - but of course is not door to door)

So really MEL is not great, but it's not the worst setup in Oz imo.
The vision of the rail line to MEL is pretty lame. If they were serious they could bring all the NE line trains (Shep, Albury, XPT) through there. Maybe even a deviation of the Bendigo/Swan Hill line as well.
The Free Tram Zone was in place before Skybus (a private company) ditched their hotel shuttle.

Since I am a local I did not use it, but often saw it of course. My impression was that the streets were congested(it is even worse now in MEL CBD tbh, but that is a whole other topic - thank you Mayor Capp). They had a limited pick up area iirc that was basically the CBD and possibly Crown/Southbank? Plus inly ran during main hours of the day.

No doubt cost cutfing to remove, but I genuonely reckon that the Melbourne CBD is actually pretty easy to both navigate and get around to most hotels by foot or tram. Now yes, with a few larger suitcases yes it could be difficult. Though probably easier (for a first timer or rare visitor) than say being dropped at Central in Sydney or Brisbane, or in Adelaide where the bus used to go (iirc Franklin St?). Adelaide at least is much like Melbourne CBD as in a big rectangle of sorts.

My point being that the hotel shuttle service connection to/,from Southern Cross was probably a PITA in some respects with the time taken to go just a few blocks perhaps, deal with bags etc.

It is a loss of convenience for sure - specially for international and new vusitors - though many may just be tempted to get an uber or cab anyway.

Really none of our main cities have truly convenient/simple airport-hotel services these days. In SYD/BNE/PER it's the train. Skybus tried and failed in BNE. ADL used to have one but I think it died I think(and iirc never had hotel drop off/pick up). I've nore recently used the public bus which is a straight shot from the city and stops at the airport. I think HBA has a skybus still? CNS seems an ever changing landscape of operators (last time I used I booked with one, who put me in another which charged more walk up.. so I saved weirdly but it was a bit confused) and OOL had its skybus die a few years back (but the PT servuce via the 777/760 busses are vastly improved with very good timings even into the evening and easy connection to the tram - it works and is cheap - but of course is not door to door)

So really MEL is not great, but it's not the worst setup in Oz imo.
Thats not the problem. Skybus being a bus has to go on the road and deal with whatever problems that brings. Getting stuck in traffic on the tulla, generally being slower and having less space on board. And being a dedicated it has less scope for additional services.

The frequency of trains in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth make them great options that drop you off in many parts of their respective cities including interchanges. Having HCMTs plow the route between the airport, Sunshine and the metro tunnel would be an amazing option in terms of throughout, speed, convenience.

Saying skybus is a good option is just getting used to mediocrity. Its probably the least worst version of a road based transport link but that doesn’t mean its great.
Don't get me wrong - I'd freakin LOVE an airport train in MEL. Of course. Hace recently used PER and it's great. Lived London options for years, SIN, HKG ORD, SFO, ATL, FRA etc. Of course!

The (ahem) roadblocks (railblocks?) sem multifaceted - MEL has a vested interest to both keep skybus(fees) and push for underground station(surface realestate for parking, etc) while broke state gov wants cheapest options so surface and potentially slower on existing tracks part way etc and so have been at loggerheads for years.. decades. Plus Vic has so much debt with existing major projects that even IF firm agreements happened, actually being able to build is a whole other issue.

So my point is that EVEN if it magically was approved tonorrow, we wouldn't see it for a decade or more.

With that as background, that is why I say the skybus is a good (not great) service. It has very good frequency when needed, and yes can get stuck in traffic, but there are also multiple routings in case of known Tulla issues, and it is (mostly) convenient to use with bags etc.

Now I flew last week, and used PT both ways because I did not need to use the skybus, but compared to.some other places it provides a pretty good service given we probably will never get a train sadly.
Don't get me wrong - I'd freakin LOVE an airport train in MEL. Of course. Hace recently used PER and it's great. Lived London options for years, SIN, HKG ORD, SFO, ATL, FRA etc. Of course!

The (ahem) roadblocks (railblocks?) sem multifaceted - MEL has a vested interest to both keep skybus(fees) and push for underground station(surface realestate for parking, etc) while broke state gov wants cheapest options so surface and potentially slower on existing tracks part way etc and so have been at loggerheads for years.. decades. Plus Vic has so much debt with existing major projects that even IF firm agreements happened, actually being able to build is a whole other issue.

So my point is that EVEN if it magically was approved tonorrow, we wouldn't see it for a decade or more.

With that as background, that is why I say the skybus is a good (not great) service. It has very good frequency when needed, and yes can get stuck in traffic, but there are also multiple routings in case of known Tulla issues, and it is (mostly) convenient to use with bags etc.

Now I flew last week, and used PT both ways because I did not need to use the skybus, but compared to.some other places it provides a pretty good service given we probably will never get a train sadly.
Agreed. I just wish the government could slay Melbourne airport behind the head and force their hands on some topics. Or that the tracks from Sunshine to the airport could be built so as to accelerate the construction timeline…

Ultimately this is a case of Melbourne Airport’s owner’s not wanting to invest a single cent in the airport. Most of the terminals quite literally are what they were in the 70s with some light lipstick on to keep up with safety regulations. Duty free areas though are quite unsurprisingly pristine. I laugh walking through T2 which is generally a dump except for the small section between immigration and the end of the concourse which is - surprise surprise - full of shops.

T2 is not too dissimilar to SYD T1 in that regard though. Past the puze shops to the food hallybarea in MEL ie where HJ's is a clear step down, as are the gate areas which have seen very little change. Let alone basement lounges etc.

But that is like most int terminals around the world these days - ecen the "new" TBIT @ LAX, the focus is on the shopping of course
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T2 is not too dissimilar to SYD T1 in that regard though. Past the puze shops to the food hallybarea in MEL ie where HJ's is a clear step down, as are the gate areas which have seen very little change. Let alone basement lounges etc.

But that is like most int terminals around the world these days - ecen the "new" TBIT @ LAX, the focus is on the shopping of course
Indeed once you pass the non-bypassable high end shops with no-one in them then you reach Hungry Jacks and the lack of floor space and gate areas that look like they were refurbed 35 years ago is pretty depressing……

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