Amex Australia - Centurion Card Eligibility

To those that have been invited to the Centurion Card, were your spending on a personal Plat or a business Plat? I am in a slightly odd situation of having 6 Amex cards - 2 business and 4 personal. I spend across them depending on which card earns better (like all groceries and petrol on the DJ card; 100k on the Bus Exp due to the 50k bonus points; etc).

Am I better off consolidating all my spendings to a single card for a better chance? Or at least move everything to the personal cards?

I am currently preferring as much as I can to spend on the Bus Plat with the thinking that if I choose to close it (I already also have a Per Plat), they might offer me a good points offer to keep it. This is how I ended up with both the Bus and Per Plats in the first place.
Spend from my personal plat
I had the Personal Platinum - I think that’s a given. Didn’t spend much on it. I put all my spending through Platinum Edge and Personal Explorer (with the old 2:1 "hack" until the devaluation put paid to it and I expressed interest based on this. I was optimising my earn at the time too. With the last AMEX points enhancement, means Centurion is ever so better an earner than the others (except Supermarket spend with Edge but then again not by very much).

I've subsequently closed off everything and use Centurion as my daily driver with a MC for my backup on the odd occasion Amex isn't accepted.

I vote for continuing to optimise for points earn.

YMMV as Amex have their own rules for selection - not exactly sure what they are.
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I had the Personal Platinum - I think that’s a given. Didn’t spend much on it. I put all my spending through Platinum Edge and Personal Explorer (with the old 2:1 "hack" until the devaluation put paid to it and I expressed interest based on this. I was optimising my earn at the time too. With the last AMEX points enhancement, means Centurion is ever so better an earner than the others (except Supermarket spend with Edge but then again not by very much).

I've subsequently closed off everything and use Centurion as my daily driver with a MC for my backup on the odd occasion Amex isn't accepted.

I vote for continuing to optimise for points earn.

YMMV as Amex have their own rules for selection - not exactly sure what they are.
Same here ditto.
Recently invited to Centurion. Have had Platinum for the past 2-3 years. Annual spend is $200k, probably 6x FHR bookings a year plus 3-4 business flights, including 2x international trips. All spend is personal. Probably got lucky!
That's a relatively low spend but obviously ticked all the other boxes for luxury spend. It seems that luxury spend is more important than the total amount. It also seems from the previous replies, spend on personal cards are prioritized as Amex probably presumes it's all genuinely personal, rather than business expenditure.
NZ member here. Our Amex plat card fee is $1250. Our spend is in the 6 figures. I don't think the Centurion card is worth it for $5k, even if they invite you and waive the joining fee. Even though you get a better earn rate which then = $1:1.25 airline miles. It's only on the partner airlines that Amex offers as transfer partner. Most of them aren't very desirable, especially as SQ has been devalued.

So I only use my MR transfers for Marriott Bonvoy to then go to AS & United. BTW the NZ transfer rate of MR:MB is 1:1 not 3:2 as for aussie amex. That Centurion card would only stack up if you could claim the fee on business exps or put tons of business expenses through.

I got a decent renewal bonus last time my card was going to renew but if they don't do it again I'm considering dropping down to the Amex basic Gold card in NZ for $195/year.

I see Accorplus is actually offering a reduced membership currently and you could just buy Priority Pass if you wanted it. (although it has really long expiry date on my card - just wondering if they pick up at the lounges that you have cancelled your Amex Plat card?) Also the hotel chains are very iffy about giving out 'upgrades' when the hotels are full, even if you have status. The Amex FHR rates are often more expensive too and you can get the same deals via Luxury Escapes and by joining hotel loyalty programmes direct.

So to cut a long story short I'm probably going to reduce down to Amex gold unless I get a big renewal bonus.
Haven’t been invited with a spend of $4-5mil p/a biz spends the past 3 years

although haven’t express interest. Prob worth obtaining a cent over platinum with the extra point earn?
Haven’t been invited with a spend of $4-5mil p/a biz spends the past 3 years

although haven’t express interest. Prob worth obtaining a cent over platinum with the extra point earn?
Biz spend doesn't seem to count but no harm in trying :)
Have been on Plat Charge for ~ 7 years now with an average spend of $175000 but have clocked $300K the last two years - all personal. 2 x international business trips a year, a multitude of domestic flights.

Haven't heard a peep!

(I have been an amex member since 2009 and have never threatened to quit unless they give me a bonus - "retention bonus". Maybe they know I wont leave, ever! ;) No one has ever rung to thank me and/or offer bonuses! I am just too lazy to cancel and move)
I put the EOI in yesterday online. Normal questions around interests (golf, travel, wine, watches, restaurants etc)

Currently spending 150-200k a month on card.

Had platinum for 9 months now.

Is that all personal spend or business spend , if you don't mind me asking. ta
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I put the EOI in yesterday online. Normal questions around interests (golf, travel, wine, watches, restaurants etc)

Currently spending 150-200k a month on card.

Had platinum for 9 months now.
Is there a EOI online? where do you find it?
Yeah pester them with kindness.
verbal EOI submitted.
wanted to know non-business spend on the platinum card & what I was interested in (which has been mentioned in the past, watches, cars, food, travel etc)
been more than 3 months since EOI.. didnt hear anything back..

guess its not happening lol

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