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  1. S

    First time staying at the Hilton confused

    Hello all, I've recently signed up to the Hilton HHonors program and i'm a bit confused on a few things. Firstly you move from Blue to Gold by either having Four stays or 10 nights but wouldn't you have Four stays before 10 nights ? I might be missing something here? I'm booking through...
  2. S

    Anyone been to Egypt ?

    Hello all I'm planning a trip to Egypt in January. This will be my first time Solo travelling and I wanted to use a tour group for the added convenience but also for the safety reasons. I'm currently tossing up between Contiki and Topdeck, I like the top deck tour a lot as the itinerary seems...
  3. S

    Queenstown snow holiday for a noob

    Hey guys Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section and if it seems very noob My friend and I have always wanted to go to the snow and we've decided upon Queenstown in NZ since it seems to offer both snow and non snow activities and we'd get too travel over seas :). Since both of us have...
  4. S

    Which loyalty program for self funded travelling ?

    Hey everyone I would first like to state that I'm completely new to all of this so if I sound nooby you know why :p. Im 18 and hopefully looking to do at least 1 international trip a year ( I wish money grew on trees). Im also looking to go to India next year in February to visit some family...