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  1. C

    VA Booking on SQ metal to Singapore

    Not sure how it is for code shares, but when flying with SQ I can usually call them up >48 hours in advance to choose a better seat. I've also experienced better service when calling their Singapore number(+65 6223 8888) though this might be by coincidence.
  2. C

    Travelex currencies on Sale till 9am 22nd Jan 2013

    If you have a Citibank transaction account or 28 degrees card you'll get significantly better rates. I compare on SGD, the travelex special is 1.23 per AUD, Citibank and 28 degrees are 1.27-1.28.
  3. C

    Criteria for 28 Degrees card by GE Money

    The historical rates disagree with my statement by 20-30 cents over AUD 80, in my favour though. Could the difference be that I used a Citibank ATM (Singapore)?