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  1. M

    Majority 'don't trust' female airline pilots

    All this survey proves is that 51% of the population are idiots
  2. M

    Appropriate Behaviour in the QF Lounges

    I have never clipped my nails anywhere but home, but i think you are all being a bit precious. It would not upset me unless the person left the clippings behind on the table when he left.
  3. M

    Liquids at layover

    If you are not planning on drinking it until you return, leave it with the Duty Free Shop. If you plan on drinking it in Europe, check with the Duty Free Shop, they will know what is best to do.
  4. M

    Current Union Activity - Tide of support turned against them?

    Let me start by saying that I think Alan Joyce's pay rise was outrageous and insensitive and for that he should go. Secondly I think Qantas Staff are fantastic. Having said those 2 things I don't agree with the strike or the demands. The reality is that Qantas's future is at stake...