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    The Code Share from Hell

    A great way to start 6 weeks travelling Europe in August. QF/EK, Mel-Dxb-Arl. Sitting at the gate in the plane for over 3 hours due to the catering truck hitting the engine. Arrive in Dubai and directed to the service desk with 100's of fellow passengers that have all missed their connections...
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    Best Smart Phone SIM for Europe

    The last discussions on this topic that I can find are a few years old, and given that there has been some progress made in the EU regarding cross country compatibility in recent times, I am interested to find out travellers experiences in using one sim for Central Europe. Cheers
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    Who Pays for Business?

    Often wondered who pays for business and why. Is just a case of the company is paying so why not. Before I sold my business travelled domestically I guess about 25 times pa and several Internationals. My business could have afforded it but I only saw it it the biggest waste of money. Generally...
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    luggage suggestions for a newbie

    Hey Luggagelover, Lots of good advise here, except I'll take JohnK to task on a few items. Firstly you kind off get what you pay for, and sure I wouldn't spend 1000's on LV and see it get hammered by the airlines, but I still believe in buying reasonable quality and it will stand up to the...