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  1. T

    Offence 11 years ago

    Hi everyone Quick summary of my situation. Some 11.5 years ago (Feb 2011) I had a brain snap and I was pulled over for a DUI (0.093). After the officer moved my car, he found a half of a mdma capsule and subsequently I was arrested - result...a slap on the wrist. 3 month loss of licence and a...
  2. T

    Refund idea on a non-refundable fare

    Hi all I am wondering if this situation would work at all.... Recently I was told that I can't travel to USA by my intended travel date (another story altogether), so being a United Airlines flight I am in a bit of bother. I bough a non-refundable fare. So really, it looks as though I am stuck...
  3. T

    US Visa turnaround times

    Hi Has anyone had any recent experience in obtaining a visa from the DHS in Washington? Am being told current wait times are 5 months. Not good when you have a flight booked for early Dec Cheers