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The Frequent Flyer Gazette

Monday, 11 May 2020

No Qantas Status Upgrades for Grounded Flyers
Qantas is refusing to offer flexibility to frequent flyers that were on track to upgrade to a higher status tier before the COVID-19 travel shutdown.


Virgin Australia Pauses Refunds, Travel Credits
Virgin Australia has "temporarily paused" issuing any new refunds or travel credits while in voluntary administration.

Virgin Administration: Impact on Velocity Credit Cards
With Velocity redemptions "paused" until further notice, all Australian banks have suspended the ability to transfer credit card reward points to Velocity Frequent Flyer.


Popular Threads from the AFF Community
The 3-stage path out of lockdown in Australia
How much poor "COVID-19" service will you tolerate?
Singapore Airlines A380s parked in Alice Springs
The Aldi champagne that tastes great and costs $21.99

AFF Community Round-Up
SILVER & GOLD members no longer see advertisements on most articles
A benefit of upgrading your AFF membership to SILVER or GOLD has always been an advertisement-free browsing experience on all AFF forum pages.

This benefit has now been extended to the vast majority of AFF Gazette article pages. When reading our articles, AFF SILVER and GOLD members no longer see any advertisements!

If you're a SILVER and GOLD member, and you're seeing ads when reading a Gazette article, simply log into your AFF account and then refresh the page. (There should be a "Login Now" button underneath the advertisement at the top of the page.)

If you aren't already an AFF SILVER or GOLD member, please consider supporting us by upgrading your account! learn more...
Featured AFF Member Trip Reports
Democratic People's Republic of Korea / DPRK / Korea (north) - road trip
Trip report by Chicken | This trip happened 2019 September. I have been busy with work, and job hunting, and new job, and stuffs. COVID-19 Easter is an opportunity to get this trip report done. My point is, this trip report was written retrospectively. After my trip to DPRK in 2018 October, I am going again for the second time, but this time would be a road trip with domestic flights and long drives. read more...
Germany plus a bit of France 2013
Trip report by OZDUCK | We were due to be in Berlin for a family reunion in August. As we will obviously not be able to attend even if it, fairly unlikely, goes ahead I have been looking sadly at photos of our previous German visits. Being another who likes to read the TR section and hopes that it keeps going I am now going to add one covering our 2013 trip. read more...
AFF Member Profile
This week, we interviewed AFF member Kerrodt from Melbourne. Kerrodt joined Australian Frequent Flyer in 2012 and has so far made 243 posts.

Q: Where did you go on your last trip?
A: Last August I took a 5 week holiday to Helsinki, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Iceland, with a stopover in Singapore on the way there and back.

Q: Where will you go when the current travel bans are lifted?
A: I'd love to go back to Iceland and explore further beyond the areas where I visited in August, potentially a long full circumnavigation around the country on the Ring Road. I was there for only 5 days and the country just captivated me with its raw natural beauty, unique landscapes, and the more I saw the more I wanted to see and experience.

Q: Favourite airline?
A: I'm a loyal Qantas supporter domestically and wherever they fly internationally. But in the past 3-4 years I have discovered the excellent product that is Finnair, who fly from Asia to Helsinki and onwards to many destinations in Europe and the UK. Finnair are a Oneworld partner, have a great product in the air and have very new and modern facilities at their hub in Helsinki. Price wise, they are often quite competitive with Business Class fares and sales.

Q: What's one piece of advice you would give to a new AFF member?
A: Establish some travel and adventure goals, both short term and longer term and set out a plan, with options, on how to reach them. Use excellent resources like AFF to build out the plans, add to them, and then, when the time is right, set off on your adventures.

Q: Favourite thread on AFF?
A: It has to be "Ask The Pilot". The generosity of the pilots who contribute is simply amazing. Each of them has a fascinating back story and career, and are willing to share their knowledge, wisdom and wit with everyone. On an almost equal footing with the pilots is the insatiable curiosity of the members with the questions that they ask. They think of questions that I'd never think of, but I find fascinating and interesting to read, and see what the answer is.

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The Australian Frequent Flyer, 2020
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