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The Frequent Flyer Gazette

Monday, 24 August 2020

Qantas Frequent Flyer is Keeping the Airline Afloat
There has long been a joke that frequent flyer programs make more money for airlines than flying planes. In the current climate, it couldn't be more true!


Qantas & Virgin's Best Products Have Disappeared
As Qantas & Virgin mothball surplus planes, their best products have sadly disappeared indefinitely from our skies.

Podcast Episode #43: Kangaroo Island
In Episode 43 of the AFF on AIR podcast, Matt investigates how tourism on Kangaroo Island has been affected this year by the dual crises of bushfires and COVID-19.


Popular Threads from the AFF Community
What's the best unexpected gift you've received travelling?
What do you use airline amenity kit bags for?
Pictures from the Victorville aircraft boneyard
STA Travel agency files for insolvency

AFF Community Round-Up
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Featured AFF Member Trip Report
Escape - travelling with Covid.
Trip report by Pushka | We booked this completely refundable booking back in July. After the second of our two cancelled overseas trips this year should have started. Remember Greek Islands? Rome? Malta? Yeah Nah. So when SA opened up to Qld, NT and WA we thought we might dare to dream of a break. Finally Qld opened up to SA and so refundable flights and accommodation were booked for Port Douglas FNQ. read more...
AFF Member Profile
This week we interviewed AFF member Port Power from Perth, who assures me has no affiliation with Port Adelaide's AFL team. Port Power joined Australian Frequent Flyer in 2016 and has so far made 163 posts.

Q: Where did you go on your last trip?
A: My last trip was this year from late January to 26 February with my adult son to New York, a Caribbean cruise, then Louisville, Las Vegas and Disneyland. It was my son's first trip to USA and we had a fabulous time. We loved Louisville and the Bourbon trail. Even me who doesn't drink bourbon! We started with a champagne breakfast in the Sydney Qantas First lounge and ended with a long champagne lunch and cocktails in the LAX First lounge. My son now has high expectations! We started hearing about coronavirus during the cruise, but we returned home to Perth just before it really took hold. We were so lucky to enjoy such a wonderful month away.

Q: Where will you go when the current travel bans are lifted?
A: Once the travel bans are lifted I am going on a deferred trip of The Five "Stans" (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.) This tour has been developed by a local travel agency which organises many fabulous, all inclusive tours themselves. It was originally to have been in May this year, but of course was cancelled. I have three of their trips booked in 2021. Fingers crossed!

Q: Favourite airline?
A: Domestically, of course Qantas. Internationally I do prefer Qatar Airways. The privacy of their Qsuites, the in-flight service, and meals when you like really sets them apart.

Q: What's one piece of advice you would give to a new AFF member?
A: Research, research, research. Then use a reputable travel agent and book flights directly with the airline. Check hotel sites and loyalty program benefits along with the hotel booking sites. Sometimes direct is better.

Q: Favourite thread on AFF?
A: My favourite thread recently has been Have you had to change/cancel travel due to COVID-19 (involuntarily or voluntarily)?. There has been so much sharing of information about refunds or credit vouchers, helpful suggestions and feedback, and general support.

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The Australian Frequent Flyer, 2020
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